Recruitment scholarship winners
November 15th, 2019 (1st semester – Winter 2020)
MSc Category
Catarina FERNANDES, under the supervision of Dr Maurice Ptito
École d’optométrie – Université de Montréal
Subject: Expression and localization of the cannabinoid receptor type 1 in the monkey colliculo-pulvinar pathway
PhD Category
Marc-Antoine MILLETTE, under the supervision of Dr Christian Salesse
Université Laval
Subject: Clonage, surexpression, purification et comparaison de la liaison membranaire de la rhodopsine kinase non-acylée et acylée
Postdoctorate Category
Rudi TONG, under the supervision of Dr Stuart Trenholm
Montreal Neurological Institut and Hospital – McGill University
Subject: Investigating the neural mechanism underlying invariant object and face recognition
Health Professional Degree / MD-MSc / MD-PhD Category
Dominique GEOFFRION, under the supervision of Drs Adriana Di Polo, Mona Harissi-Dagher and Robert Koenekoop
CRCHUM – McGill University
Subject: Identifier et cibler les médiateurs fonctionnels causant du glaucome après une transplantation cornéenne: sauver les patients de cécité irréversible
March 15th 2020 (1st semester – Summer 2020)
MSc Category
To come
PhD Category
To come
Postdoctorate Category
To come
Health Professional Degree / MD-MSc / MD-PhD Category
To come