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The VHRN common infrastructures

The goal of the common infrastructures program is to provide for the Network researchers resources and tools available to all that they could not have afforded otherwise, to promote vision research in Quebec.

The Common infrastructures supported by the VHRN became essential to the functioning of several VHRN laboratories. Their impact is undeniable in terms of scientific articles in journals with peer review, summaries of presentations at provincial, national and international conferences and grants. The research results based on the use of these banks also allowed many times to strategically influence the transfer of knowledge and the implementation of new practices. The data bank of Visual Impairment & Rehabilitation enabled to influence the distribution of low vision care policy in Quebec. The common infrastructure program is by far considered the most useful and efficient program. The VHRN is making sure that it continues to be so.

In the case of a register or a genetic, tissue or clinical data-bank, endorsement by the ethics committee of the institution responsible for the bank or the register is a mandatory prerequisite. It is essential to any access and/or any use of this data bank or registrer.

List of current Common Infrastructures

Marie-Josée Aubin – COVER Registry

Ali Dirani- Quebec Retina Biobank

Aaron Johnson – Drusen/AMD Database

Jean-Sébastien Joyal – Single-Cell RNAseq Plateform

Robert Koenekoop – Patient Registry for IRDs – collaboration with FBC

Solange Landreville – Uveal Melanoma Database

Stéphanie Proulx – Tissues Eye for Research

Marie-Claude Robert / Jean Meunier – Cornea Bank

Walter Wittich – ORVIS

Past infrastructures


Platform – Clinical Research

Platform – Public Health