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National and International Networking Program (NIN)

Since the creation of this program in 2015, the Network has funded 25 research projects (including 8 renewals) involving the collaboration of 13 countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Lithuania, Portugal, Qatar, Spain, United Kingdom, USA) working with our Quebec teams (last update: 2022-01-26).

VHRN investment since 2015: 1 042 191$ (150 000$/year)

This program has also enabled the production of several communications with our national and international collaborators including 14 publications and 41 presentations (posters and oral presentations) for several conferences (last update: 2020-01-23).

Geographic distribution of NIN projects funded by the VHRN

Mapmonde AN_1_220125_VL

The goal of this program is to promote collaboration with researchers outside Quebec and increase the visibility of VHRN researchers on the national and international scenes.

Maximal amount of the grant:  $50,000


Letter of intent:           August 15 2024*  (only Sections 1 and 2)

Full application:           October 15, 2024

*Should these dates fall on a Friday or Saturday, the candidate will have until Sunday night to send the application.


2024-2025 Documents – now available


NIN_First application_PDF Version_July 2024

NIN_First application_Word Version_July 2024



NIN_Renewal_PDF Version_July 2024

NIN_Renewal_Word Version_July 2024

Scientific Report

A SCIENTIFIC REPORT must be submitted at the end of each grant (or for its renewal), and at the occasion of the VHRN renewal application.

Financial Report 

For any funded project, a FINANCIAL REPORT must be submitted at the end of the financial year (31st March)  following the grant year and also at the end of this grant. Details will be communicated to the people concerned.