Réseau de recherche en santé de la vision Logo fonds de la recherche du Québec - santé Logo

Pictures wanted

To update our Vision Network image database and improve our new website, we are inviting all members to share their best scientific research images with us!

Whether it’s microscopy, conference participation, laboratory work, equipment, or any other scientific activity, we’d love to showcase your work.
If your photo includes people, please ensure they have completed the release form (link below). As the image owner, you’ll also need to sign this document authorizing us to publish your image on our website. We’re also interested in your best videos!

Ideally, please submit your images and videos by November 25, but we are open to receiving them throughout the year.

Release Form

Send us your images in .TIFF or .PNG format along with your release form to reseau.vision@ircm.qc.ca.

Thank you for your help!

4 photos