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Two VHRN students awarded at ARVO

Alexandra Beaudry-Richard, member of Dr Sylvain Chemtob laboratory, and Marie-Christine Lambert, member of Dr Patrick Rochette Laboratory, both won the Members-in-Training Outstanding Poster Award. This award is given to the best abstract scheduled as Poster presentations of each Scientific Section and Cross-sectional Group of the meeting.

 Alexandra Beaudry-Richard_200x300
Alexandra Beaudry-Richard
Abstract: Antenatal inflammation induced by interleukin-1 causes retinal and sub-retinal vasculopathy in progeny
Section: Immunology


Marie-Christine Lambert 200
Marie-Christine Lambert
Abstract: Effects of High Energy Visible Light on A2E-loaded Retinal Pigmented Epithelium in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Section : Biochemistry/Molecular Biology