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2022-2023 Funded projects

The VHRN is proud to present this year funded projects!

This year, and thanks to a significant contribution from the Fondation des maladies de l’oeil (FMO), the Network funded 3 new research projects in addition to the renewal of a 4th project, whose funding began last year. All of these grants involve collaborations with 4 countries including the United States, France, Italia and Belgium. The total investment from VHRN (over $192,000) was also supported by a financial participation from the international teams (over $97,000).

Congratulations to all the recipients!

Perception des stimulations visuelles naturelles et modulation de l’activité des cartes corticales (renewal)
Christian CASANOVA, École d’optométrie – Université de Montréal 
In association with: Laurent PERRINET, Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone (INT) de la Vision, Marseilles, FRANCE 

Systemic application of melatonin to curb vascular anomalies and maintain retinal integrity in a rat model of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) (first application)
Sylvain CHEMTOB, Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine – Université de Montréal
In association with: Giuseppe BUONOCORE, Istituti Biologici S. Miniato, Universita de Siena, Siena, ITALIA – Walter BALDUINI, Universita di Urbino « Carlo Bo », Urbino, ITALIA

Cellules souches stromales de cornées humaines pour développer de nouvelles thérapies tissulaires dans le traitement des plaies cornéennes (first application)
Sylvain GUÉRIN, Université Laval (Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec – Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement – CUO Recherche)
In association with: Vincent BORDERIE, Institut de la vision, Centre Hospitalier Nationale d’Ophtalmologie des Quinze-Vingts, Paris, FRANCE

The following project was jointly funded by the Fondation des maladies de l’oeil and the Fondation Antoine-Turmel:

Saccade-pursuit interactions with central vision loss (first application)
Aarlenne KHAN, École d’optométrie – Université de Montréal
In association with: Gunnar BLOHM, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, CANADA – Steve HEINEN et Preeti VERGHESE, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, California, ÉTATS-UNIS – Philippe LEFÈVRE, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM
