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Scientific Café 

Scientific Café October 8 2019 Poster



Stéphanie Proulx, PhD

Dr. Proulx is an associate professor at Laval University in the Department of ophthalmology and a full researcher in the regenerative medicine axis of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center (St-Sacrement Hospital), as well as a full researcher at the LOEX Center of Laval University.

Her research interests focus on the understanding of eye diseases using models produced by tissue engineering.

The eye is a complex organ, where all of its structures are important in order to allow proper vision. Despite advances in medicine, the causes of several eye diseases are still poorly understood. Using cell culture and tissue engineering, her team produces three-dimensional models to study cell-cell interactions as well as interactions between cells and their environment. By comparing the models engineered using healthy cells and models engineered using pathological cells, it is possible to advance the knowledge on the pathogenesis of various diseases of the eye. These models can also be used to test different pharmacological agents in development.

Lucie Germain, PhD

Dr. Lucie Germain, Ph.D., is a full professor at Université Laval. Her work is dedicated to stem cells and human tissue reconstruction and led to three clinical trials on humans involving engineered-tissues produced in vitro for the treatment of venous ulcers, burned patients and limbal stem cell deficiency of the cornea. Dr. Germain has published more than 167 peer-reviewed articles, 69 book chapters and review articles and given more than 144 invited seminars and conferences.

Recently, her sustainable contribution to health research was recognized by the foundation grant program of Canadian Institutes of Health Research, which granted her financial support for 7 years. Within the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center, she was Director of the Regenerative Medicine Division until 2014. The Canada Research Chair Program recognized Dr. Germain as a world leader in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine by granting her a senior Tier 1 chair in 2015. In 2013, she was named Member of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. She was Vice-Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Medicine of Université Laval from 2014 to 2018.


Directions: Crew Collective δ Café, 360 Saint Jacques, Montréal, QC, entre Métro Place-d’Armes or Square Victoria/OACI

Directions_Crew Colective Café_vPP_190924_VL

In a friendly atmosphere, students, researchers and the general public have had
the opportunity to discuss about tissue engineering or
on any other topic related to vision health research.

This first Scientific Café,
initiated by the VHRN Student Committee,
was a great success thanks to you all!

The Vision Network joins its Student Committee and wishes to thank
Network students and researchers
who participated for their interest as well as their great generosity!


Pictures from the event

  Cafe 1

Café 4
