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Welcome to our Summer School Gallery!

Here, we celebrate the vibrant moments and inspiring experiences from our recent Summer School. Browse through our collection of photos to relive the highlights, capture the essence of our academic journey, and see the dynamic interactions among participants. From engaging lectures and hands-on workshops to memorable social events, these snapshots reflect the spirit of learning, collaboration, and community that define our Summer School.


  ⇒ THANK YOU power point 

Acknowledgment of Recipients

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations and recognition to this year’s recipients for their outstanding contributions during our Summer School.

Suzanne Véronneau-Troutman MD, FRCS(C), FACS Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Montreal:

Victoria Purdy-Millaire, Université d’Ottawa et Université de Montréal

Ines Barrakad, Université de Montréal

Renata Ghenno Manrique, Université de Montréal

Hamid Goodarzi, Université de Montréal

Mona Moradi, Université de Montréal

Isaac Alejandro Vidal Paredes, Université de Montréal

Best Oral Presentation – Congratulations to the recipients of the Best Oral Presentation for their remarkable presentations and their ability to effectively communicate their innovative research.

1st position, also supported by the Suzanne Veronneau-Troutman Chair: Daniela Santamaria, University of California, Davis

2nd position: Khola Bilal, University of British Columbia & Seyedeh Sara Fooladi, University of Toronto

3rd position: Victoria Purdy-Millaire, Université d’Ottawa et Université de Montréal & Ines Barrakad, Université de Montréal

Best Poster Presentation – We recognize the recipients of the Best Poster Presentation for their ability to synthesize and visually present their work in a clear and engaging manner.

Philippe Morneau-Cartier, Université Laval

Frances Argento, University of Toronto

Ehsan Misaghi, University of Alberta

Alissa Pak, University of Toronto

Bravo to all!

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