VSRN Student Committee
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The Vision Science Research Network (VSRN) Student Committee represents a diverse and motivated group of trainees including graduate students, medical students, and residents. All the members conduct research under the supervision of a regular or associate member of the Network and report to its Board of Directors.
Student Committee Goals:
- Strengthen student engagement and collaboration in vision science research
- Increase visibility of research achievements within the network and beyond
- Provide mentorship and networking opportunities for trainees
- Support the organization of conferences and events to advance knowledge exchange
- Enhance national/international representation and foster global research connections
Through these initiatives, the VSRN Student Committee aims to create a dynamic and supportive environment that empowers the next generation of vision science researchers.
Our Team
The Student Committee (SC) is composed of graduate and doctoral students, medical students, residents, summer interns, and postdoctoral fellows, all of whom are supervised by a researcher who is a member (regular or associate) of the Network. It includes 2 Co-Presidents, 1 Executive Vice-President (EVP), 4 Sectoral Vice-Presidents (VP), and Institutional Representatives (Rep-I) (positions reserved for Rep-I).
Co-Presidents: Victoria Anne Purdy-Millaire and Sid Rahman
- Direct link to the Board of Directors (BoD) and network coordination
- Participate in BoD meetings
- Lead the VP team and Rep-Is
Executive Vice-President: Audrey-Anne Lapierre
- Ensures the executive direction of the committee and coordinates activities between the various VPs
- Makes strategic decisions to support the committee’s overall objectives
- Fills in for the Presidents in their absence and assumes leadership responsibilities
VP Marketing: Severina Lopez, Anas Abu-Dieh
- Manage social media, including the committee’s Facebook / Instagram / Twitter pages
- Publicize events organized by the Student Committee
VP Communications: Marc-Alexandre Ghali, Merve Kulbay, Yosra Er-Reguyeg
- Write, create, and update marketing materials such as posters, application notes, presentations, and website content
- Contribute to writing editorials about the VSRN to reach a broad academic audience across Canada
VP Logistics: Anas Abu-Dieh
- Organize scientific events, such as scientific cafés, etc.
- Set up the volunteer team for the network’s annual day and summer school
VP Community outreach: Penelope Abram, Fatima Kassem, Alissa Pak
- Promote community awareness and engagement by connecting graduate students with established scientists and communication professionals to share science with the public
- Student mentorship
International Representatives: Ehsan Misaghi, Alissa Pak
- Rep-Is maintain communication between the Quebec Student Committee and Canadian and international universities
- Facilitate knowledge and resource exchanges among students, while supporting collaboration on scientific and academic projects
- Promote global community engagement by raising awareness of international issues
- Offer mentorship opportunities for the professional development of students worldwide
Please note that the SC is not an independent committee and reports to the Board of Directors, just like any other committee within the VSRN. No decision can be made without approval from the leadership. All SC meetings must have an agenda and minutes (PV), and each PV must be ratified by the BoD in chronological order without delay. The SC must follow the progress of the VSRN’s objectives and planning.
Composition of the VHRN Sudent Committee
The Presidents
Victoria Anne Purdy-Millaire Sid Rahman

Victoria Anne Purdy-Millaire is currently a 4th-year medical student at the University of Ottawa in the francophone stream. Raised in Outaouais, she holds an Honors BSc in Biomedical Science (Neuroscience Option). Her primary research interests focus on corneal reinnervation following corneal neurotization, under the guidance of Dr. Isabelle Brunette at the Université de Montréal. As co-president of the VSRN Student Committee, Victoria is dedicated to fostering collaboration among researchers, improving community outreach, enhancing opportunities for mentorship, and advancing knowledge translation to improve eye care and vision health. |
Sid Rahman is a fourth-year medical student at McGill University, where he also completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology and Immunology. Originally from the United States, he moved to Montreal, a city he proudly calls home. Having grown up in a low socioeconomic environment, Sid gained a firsthand appreciation for the systemic challenges faced by marginalized communities. This perspective continues to fuel his commitment to advancing equitable healthcare initiatives. As a result, the majority of his research focuses on improving care for underrepresented groups, including Indigenous and refugee populations, reflecting his belief that equitable healthcare must be both inclusive and accessible to all. As Co-President of the VSRN Student Committee, Sid is dedicated to expanding awareness and outreach for underserved communities. He strives to bridge the gap between fundamental and clinical research in the realm of eye care and vision health, and is committed to bolstering translational research initiatives. By uniting diverse scientific and medical perspectives, Sid aims to foster meaningful progress in healthcare delivery and ensure that every individual, regardless of background, receives the highest possible standard of care.
Executive Vice-President
Audrey-Anne Lapierre
Audrey-Anne Lapierre is a fourth-year medical student at Laval University, with a strong interest in the genetics of eye diseases and the evaluation of surgical interventions on visual health. As Vice-President, she aims to share her growing passion for research by working to increase the visibility and impact of the network. Audrey-Anne is also committed to promoting the exchange of scientific knowledge among members and incorporating patient experiences, with the goal of improving the quality of care and clinical practices.
Former Members
- President of the SC: Deborah Villafranca-Baughman (UdeM)
- VP Marketing: Anne Xuan-Lan Nguyen (U McGill)
- VP Communications: Mélanie Hébert (U Laval) and Michèle MacLean (UdeM)
- VP Logistics: Rabah Dabouz (U McGill)
- VP Community Outreach: Sheetal Pundir (U McGill)
- Co-Presidents of the SC: Deborah Villafranca-Baughman (UdeM) and Sonia Anchouche (U McGill)
- VP Marketing: Anne Xuan-Lan Nguyen (U McGill)
- VP Communications: Mélanie Hébert (U Laval) and Michèle MacLean (UdeM)
- VP Logistics: Rabah Dabouz (U McGill), Sergio Crespo-Garcia (UdeM)
- VP Community Outreach: Jiaru Liu (UdeM) and Sheetal Pundir (U McGill)
Are you looking for a mentor and/or a mentee? Contact us for more information: rrsvcomiteetudiant@gmail.com |
- Title: « The Vision Health Research Network and its commitment to the scholarly development of its trainees »
- Authors: Sonia Anchouche, Jiaru Liu, Sara Vucetic, Kim Santerre et Tianwei E. Zhou
- Journal: Clinical in Investigative Medicine (CIM)
- Publication Date: December 2019
⇒ Link
- Title: « Academic Conferencing Reimagined in the COVID-19 Era: The Vision Health Research Network Experience »
- Authors: Jiaru Liu, Anne Xuan-Lan Nguyen, Sheetal Pundir, Sergio Crespo-Garcia, Mélanie Hébert, Deborah Villafranca-Baughman and Sonia Anchouche
- Journal: Clinical in Investigative Medicine (CIM)
- Publication Date: To come in 2021
⇒ To come
- Title: Eye to Eye on Tissue Engineering
- Invited Speakers: May Griffith, PhD and Stéphanie Proulx, PhD
- Date: October 8th, 2019, 6h30 PM
- Place: Crew Collective δ Café
- The café scientifique will be presented in both languages (french/english)
- Title: Gene Therapy in Ophthalmology
- Guest Speakers: Cynthia Qian, MD, FRCSC, DABO and Sarah Chorfi, MD, FRCSC
- Date: November 4th 2021, 6h00 PM
- Place: PicNic Velocafe
- The café scientifique will be presented in both languages (french/english)
- Title: Du labo au grand public
- Invited Speaker: Carine Monat, PhD, science journalist (Unpointcinq, Québec Science, AMI-télé)
- Date: February 1st 2019, 10h00 to 11h30 AM
- Place: Auditorium Jacques Genest, Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
- The conference has been presented in French and is available on Facebook.
- To come 2021-2022
PIZZA-LUNCH with mentors
- To come 2021-2022