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Scientific Presentation and Training Award


2024-2025 Financial Year

March 1st 2024*  – accepted until March 4: activity must start between March 1st and May 31st 2024

June 1st 2024* – accepted until June 3rd: activity must start between June 1st and August 31st 2024

September 1st 2024* – accepted until September 2nd: activity must start between Sept. 1st and Nov 30 2024

December 1st 2024* – accepted until December 2nd: activity must start between Dec. 1st 2024 and February 28 2025

2025-2026 Financial Year

March 1st 2025* : activity must start between March 1st and May 31st 2024

*Should these dates fall on a Friday-Saturday-Sunday, the candidates will have until Monday morning to send their application.


The purpose of this initiative is to provide financial support to graduate student postdoctoral fellows of the Vision Health Research Network (VHRN) for:

  • PRESENTATION  (oral / poster presentation) of research results at a national or international DISSEMINATION ACTIVITY (conference, symposium, workshop, meetings) ***** VIRTUAL MEETING : up to $ 200.00 / award*****
  • TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES (short term training, visit a laboratory to develop / continue collaboration, training on cutting/edge equipment, etc.)

Amount of the award: Up to 1,500$ per recipient

2024-2025 Documents 

INSTRUCTIONS and SECTIONS:              Presentation and Training award_PDF Version_December 2023

                                                             Presentation and Training award_Word Version_December 2023

                                                             Sections 1 to 4_Word Version

IMPORTANT: Please respect the maximum number of words or pages per section.

APPLICATION FORM:                                 Electronic Form – June 1st 2024


Checklist for attached documents


*: can be provide after if not available by the application deadline